Monday, November 15, 2010

week-end progress

Just in case you were wondering what nearly 50 lbs. of glass marble/stones look you go!
Well, I accomplished a few more tasks toward the progress of the wedding flowers this week end. As you can see, I made bows. Bows, bows and more bows! And believe it or not, there are still more bows to go :) But there were some that I could make ahead of time and now those are done.

You may be wondering what the little scraps are. Well, the end of each ribbon has to be cut to a 'dove tail' and those are the little scraps that are cut out. They were all over the floor and it looked quite festive actually! But I scooped 'em all up for the photo and now they are gone!

The vases are all washed, sanitized, and labeled. Now we should be able to get each vas back to its owner!

The dishwasher made quick work of this task. The buckets weren't so quick, but no big deal either. It is nice to have everything clean and ready for flowers.

And just more vases!

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